Saturday, 21 May 2011

Cold and Windy

Its been a busyish week at work.  I have deadheaded my daffodils and cut back my tulips to the last 2 leaves as they were doing on the Beechgrove Garden this week.  I still have some blooming. 

I have a pile of plants to pot up and still some seeds to put in - Tom Thumbs grow no problem.  Repotted my Tomato Plants into slightly larger pots and they are doing well. See some flowers on one of them.  

Last night we had hailstones - looked at my pots today and they seem to be okay - wonder if some of the seedlings are going to be okay - hope so. Potatoes are all coming up so I will need to put more compost in  the bags and also build up the row in the veg patch.  Its too cold today.  Got a bit of a head cold so sipping Beechams.

Victor off to Whalsay today to play darts so I have a day to myself.  

Snowy in and out chasing the birds.  Now that the flowers are growing higher he has a hiding place but we can still see him and he really is too far away to catch.  Not quick enough! 

Its my mums birthday tomorrow.   We will see Mum & Dad next month when we are south.  Cant wait.

I was looking at the Tall Ships music line up its going to be a good few days.   Hope the weather is kind  to us.

Back to the garden - a few folk who read my blog also have lost plants this winter and especially lupins - wonder why that is.  I always thought that Lupins were very hardy plants.   I remember my granny had lots in her garden.  My old house where I was born and brought up in Ythanwells is up for sale for £425,000  it has expanded somewhat since we lived there but the old house still forms the frontage of the new buildings at the back.  Oh to win the lottery! The company that are selling it Strutt & Parker had a brochure on the website and I was looking at all the pictures and reminiscing with my Mum.  We had to carry our water and we had no electricity for years.  I think I was about 9 when we got electricity.  Outside toilet too!

Sun trying to come out so may put on the warm clothing and go and do some planting.  Need to take some photographs too and update my diary.

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