Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Status - Amber Alert again!

Wow that was a windy Christmas - pardon the pun nothing to do with the Brussel Sprouts!   We never have any anyway!  A lot of damage around the islands and it seems we are in for another bout of gales tonight.  Boat not sailed tonight.

December been a very busy month with lots of nights out - but I have fingers crossed not once succumbed to a cigarette!   I am proud of myself.   Succumbed to food instead - bang goes the diet and being weighed in next Thursday.  Will just have to cut back as soon as New Year is past - Monday!

Garden seemed to survive okay.  Been out and checked, a few pots had rolled a bit but were still in the garden.    I saw advertised in a magazine today a pop up greenhouse and thought - well that would not survive Shetland's weather. Even the one I had which was weighted down did not survive. Was reading my Gardening Magazine today and Shetland is once again represented - lovely to see and also how hard it is to garden here. Looking forward to the lighter nights and getting out in that garden once again. Wonder what summer we will get this next year?

Lots of bulbs popping up and still some life in the primulas and daisies I planted.  Pansies got a bit of a bashing.  Birds been busy feeding today .

Had some lovely Christmas Presents including a Jewellry Box, Harry Potter DVD set,  books etc and I bought a weather indoor/outdoor station with money I got from my parents.

Snowy not too keen on Turkey but loves his new toys.

Went for a lovely walk around the Loch yesterday - it was nice to get out and get some fresh air and daylight!

My Desktop Garden as made by one of my colleagues.
The real present was a bucket of daffodils

 A extremely relaxed Snowy on Victor's knee.
 Annes shoes as worn by Cathy!
Elaine & Anne
 Anne & Cathy

 Victor - Christmas Day
My Jewellry Box

Christmas Dinner - it was delicious but now fed up of Turkey! The crackers are Cat Crackers from the Red Cross.

Catching up with some reading, playing Mahjong on my DS and Crossword Puzzles -being lazy.  Need to get a jigsaw on the go - also need to do some crocheting & cross stitch - haven't done any for ages

Looking forward to the New Year.  Cheers everyone

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

December misery & Snowy's Birthday!

Ah the usual one day its gales, snow and or rain next day can be quite nice.   Sometimes wish that we could have snow in December that stays until January say.  Nice frosty crisp days - I love them! 

Been down In Aberdeen beside my folks and at a meeting in Aberdeen. Managed to miss the gales either way - did take photos as I left Sumburgh on the 27 November.   Quite a swell.   It was a bumpy trip into Aberdeen.   Visited Elgin and did some shopping, the tree in the centre is lovely and the lights in Huntly are super too.   Ours are looking a bit insipid this year.   Aberdeen's were lovely. Although I forgot to take a photo. 

Stayed in Jurys Inn and the hotel was nice - food very good too.  Went to see Arthur Christmas and I thoroughly enjoyed it - I am a big kid at heart and love animated and childrens films.

I bought some winter onions and garlic cloves to plant out in pots outside the back door- in the shelter but it has not been warm enough or dry enough.

Been a sad month too as a  friend died suddenly and she will be sorely missed.

Christmas Parties have started, had Victors 2 works ones and mine is on Friday. 

Snowy had his adopted Birthday yesterday the 12th December - cant believe its a year since we took him on.  We love him to bits - he is such a character - very loving, loves his food, and easy going except when he gets in fights.   He has a Xmas Advent Calendar this year and already knows when to ask for his treat!

 A windswept Sumburgh in November
 The Christmas Tree in the Centre at Elgin
 My Mum
 Pusscat - Mum & Dad's cat
 Snowy guarding the Xmas Tree
 A very high tide in the small boat harbour today 13th December
 Our Christmas Tree
My mantlepiece decorated for Xmas.

To all my friends and family, home and away and all those who follow this blog I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope that everyone has a lovely time whatever you are doing and wherever you are.

Elaine xxxxx